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You CAN go home again

By Stormblade - Posted on 22 August 2008

"Oh martyrdom, how I have missed you." - Coxxorz

So last night we actually got a to have a full HOC squad in BF: Bad Company with me, Blackwalt, Coxxorz and HardWOOD. This was mildly entertaining, other than spawning in front of enemies who shoot you before you even have the chance to move, or getting shot repeatedly by guys you never see. Blackwalt only team-killed me once, although he made several attempts. All in all, a reasonably good time.

So when Blackwalt and HardWOOD had to sign off (wusses, something about 'work'. HAH, I know them ...) Coxxorz and I decided to return to COD4 land.

Nothing like BF: Bad Company to make you truly appreciate COD4. Actually, coming back to it from almost any game makes you realize just how great a game it is. It was so much smoother and prettier that it took some getting used to just to be able to move around again. But it came back pretty fast. Troll even joined us and it was great fun!

Noob tubes, martyrdom, random grenades, shotguns ... ah, bliss. Heck, I didn't even mind the snipers, since they are so much less irritating than in BF.

Now that I'm back, it may be hard to leave again anytime soon.

COD4 tonight anyone??

HardW00D's picture

COD4 here i come.... BF was not worth the $49.99+tx paid... it would be ok at $29.99.... can't win 'em all...

Coxxorz's picture

Already saw Bad Company for $29 used. Should have waited.

It's more "Battlefieldy" than the other console atrocities that came before it, but it's still broken in too many ways. I'll stick to CoD4 on Xbox, and leave my pleasant PC BF memories intact, thank you.

A Troll's picture

There is supposed to be a new COD coming out soon. It will be back to the WW II genre, but use the same engone as COD 4 with improvements.

Coxxorz's picture

Call of Duty III 2?

Stormblade's picture

Have you been taking spelling lessons from Revek??

A Troll's picture

and do not have time to spell check everything as we are obviously multitasking.

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