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Akuf's blog

US Navy will use Xbox controllers to steer submarine periscopes

By Akuf - Posted on 19 September 2017

They should at least use the Elite controller.
Also, $38,000 really?

Fallout 4 free this weekend

By Akuf - Posted on 24 May 2017

For the master race in steam

Unsure if you peasants have it on comsole

OCC2017 - Imotekh The Storm Lord

By Akuf - Posted on 14 May 2017

Another OCC has almost past.
I had a blast wearing this yesterday.
Sadly this will be my last one for a while, got to take care of some personal crap.
More pics after jump

OCC2017 is Around the Corner

By Akuf - Posted on 30 April 2017

OCC2017 is around the corner
I've been working on Imotekh the storm lord since about mid January.

Certain events and weddings did cut into my progress time but that's OK it's always good see old friends.

Did a walk test today to ensure that I can walk with platforms. Because I'm too short to begin with.

Thankfully, it all worked out

Oscar Morales

By Akuf - Posted on 14 February 2017

I received a message from my buddy Betty Nukem this morning that I look like Oscar Morales from the Jurassic park game.
Yeah it is uncanny :p

Is this Stormblade?

By Akuf - Posted on 10 December 2016

Joke for Revek

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2016

What are the two sexiest animals in a farm

Read more

Conversation With Revek

By Akuf - Posted on 06 October 2016

This question also applies to the rest of you... The Gears of War question that is.

Because It Made Me Laugh

By Akuf - Posted on 29 September 2016

I don't know the original source was emailed to me

Seems Relevant

By Akuf - Posted on 27 September 2016

Lamborghini into the Arkham Knight Batmobile

By Akuf - Posted on 06 September 2016

Holy crap
Someone converted a Lamborghini into the Arkham Knight Batmobile
Must be nice to have money

Relevant to This Site

By Akuf - Posted on 03 August 2016


By Akuf - Posted on 03 August 2016

I almost got a headache watching this
Pretty cool though..

No Man's Sky

By Akuf - Posted on 21 July 2016

This game intrigues me...

Though not available for XBone (at least not yet)...

I will be playing it on PC anyway

Pokémon Go

By Akuf - Posted on 11 July 2016

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