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Akuf's blog

I'm not one to say I told you so but....

By Akuf - Posted on 11 November 2013

Not sure of this is legit or not
But I saw this coming

Your move M$

the deal

By Akuf - Posted on 10 November 2013

You Have Been Deceived - Halloween 2013

By Akuf - Posted on 27 October 2013

Darth Malgus, Special thanks goes out to Blackwalt and Guba for helping with the cape and hood.

More pics next week

Sometimes I Wish I Was a Billionaire.

By Akuf - Posted on 26 September 2013

All About The Groupies

By Akuf - Posted on 14 September 2013

We were live last night from MCC on CBC
Forward to 26:40

More stuff coming soon

First Ever Google Glass Porn

By Akuf - Posted on 24 July 2013

Not explicit but very suggestive

********* WARNING *******
* I may be unsuitable for overly
* sensitive persons with low
* self-esteem, no sense of
* humour or irrational religious
* beliefs.

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Now That Is Funny

By Akuf - Posted on 24 July 2013

********* WARNING *******
* I may be unsuitable for overly
* sensitive persons with low
* self-esteem, no sense of
* humour or irrational religious
* beliefs.

Look after the jump

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Blackwalt Will be Envious

By Akuf - Posted on 22 July 2013

And the rest of you too.
Why, you ask? Just in general, however, in this case you will be even more envious.

I went to a costume event on Saturday.
I won first prize (really a bag of stuff that doesn't really matter to me).

Here it is:

Contents after the jump

New Project

By Akuf - Posted on 18 July 2013

Since I have four Vulcans, I think I'm going to try this.


Also she is cute in a plain sort of way

You should check out some of her other projects, very talented young lady.

Mass Murderer of Steel....

By Akuf - Posted on 02 July 2013

Remember These Two?

By Akuf - Posted on 27 June 2013

I could not find the original HOC post but here is the video for a good laugh again:

Well they have another "classic" after the jump

********* WARNING *******
* I may be unsuitable for overly
* sensitive persons with low
* self-esteem, no sense of
* humour or irrational religious
* beliefs.

My favorite line "Satan's Doorbell"


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What The?

By Akuf - Posted on 24 June 2013

M$ To Remove DRM

By Akuf - Posted on 19 June 2013


Then when you have a decent install base there will be an "update" that will re-enable those "features" again.

I don't trust this at all.

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The Official Avengers Trailer
As Moricerevek, Dan and I are scheduled to go into the theater I leave this for you



From Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee presents, Hatfall (cue Adele)

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