HoC Random Comic of the Day - 07072020
Is there such a thing as mildly rage quitting?
I will have to ask SeanMCR.
Via 9GAG.
P.S.- And I am not so sure it will recover...
HoC Random Comic of the Day - 07052020
I'll let you guess which moron is Graybush
Via Gone With the Blastwave whose characters are not normally cats.
HoC Random "Strange Brigade" of the Day - 06272020
This one was quite strange...
I still had to wrestle a young Grizzly Adams for my game but at least it was home delivered...
So when Strange Brigade appeared on Xbox GamePass several months ago, I loaned my physical copy to Graybush so that he could play with us. This worked beautifully until it disappeared from Gamepass. Then it worked less well.
For me! Graybush had no issues.
I fully agree with this list
And it confirms what we already knew. Graybush is on 'shrooms.
I feel much better about wearing a mask now.
Star Wars, totally interested. Star Wars
Star Wars: Squadrons – Official Reveal Trailer
The existence of this game was leaked a few days ago but now EA has made it official. Yes, I know, EA, but Star Wars.
Buckle up, take full control of starfighters such as the X-wing and TIE fighter, and feel the adrenaline of strategic first-person 5v5 multiplayer dogfights alongside your squadron.
In a fateful campaign set near the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, learn what it means to be a pilot in a thrilling STAR WARS™ single-player story. The New Republic fights for freedom. The Empire demands order. We need you to join the galaxy’s finest. STAR WARS™: Squadrons is available October 2, 2020.
You can tell by this video's title
That we are complete moron zombie players.
I used to feel good about our zombie creds ...
This video is very informative if you are interested in all of the zombie maps in COD.
It also makes me realize we (those of us who play the zombie maps) are all a bunch of complete noobs, despite all of the hours we have put in. :(