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By Noir - Posted on 01 February 2008

What the hell is all the hype about this damn movie. I just came back from watching it and frankly I was not too impressed. I give it a 6/10.

Shaky Cam is just some shitty gimmick and is certainly not original, since it was used in the Shit Witch project (I mean Blair Witch.). The shakiness wasn't even the worse part. It was the fact that the camera was always tilted at an angle.

The movie was short as hell too, I guess those fine art students ran out of money. This was a good thing since as I said before, it was only a 6/10.

I left the theater wondering just one thing, and one thing only, where the hell was Mothra??? If they had simple added Mothra to the mix it would have been one of the best monster movies of all time. IT'S GODZILLA!

Oh well, I don't know what the hell they were trying to do. Doesn't the military know that missiles can't harm simple biological reptile scales, come on!

Ergo, if you find 10 dollars on the ground, I say go watch it. Otherwise, wait till MoriceRevek buys it on Blueray and go to his place to see it.

That is all.

Noir's picture

[Potential Spoilers] For those who still care to watch this.

I have decided to drop my rating of Cloverfield down a notch to 5/10. Since looking back at the movie I fail to realize how the army doesn't kill it. An Abrams 120mm main battle cannon (, and or, a carpet bombing doesn't kill a creature made of flesh and bones.

Like, how does an M829A1 armour piercing 41 lb depleted uranium shell not go right through the damn thing ... (

Or droping (what I suspect was) 16 Mark 84 bombs from a B2 stealth bomber (Armaments: Which can ... penetrate 15 inches of metal and create a crate thats 50ft wide. (

Then again, what do you expect from a bunch of Fine Arts people. Research ??? clearly not.

Coxxorz's picture

I totally said this was going to be Godzilla meets Blair Witch.

The American Godzilla, not the Toho classic version.

I have not seen this film, but I give at a SHIT/10.

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