You are hereHow likely are you to attend an official MW2 LAN next Friday?

How likely are you to attend an official MW2 LAN next Friday?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 05 November 2009

Stormblade's picture

Someone have a Halo Burger (or whatever Coxxorz is calling them this time) for me.

Coxxorz's picture

It wouldn't be the same without you, so we just had pizza.

Stormblade's picture

Is anybody else finding the event calendar a little schizophrenic? It seems to alternate between two formats for me whenever I refresh or change pages, although it isn't consistent. One of them doesn't fit in the frame.

Must be a Q-Bertism.

Q-Bert's picture

I don't yet know why it is doing that. I see it in Safari, but Blackwalt doesn't see it with Firefox on Windows.

Stormblade's picture

I am using Firefox in Windows, and I see it constantly.

Akuf's picture

Hans Zimmer (one of my all time favorite musicians) did the soundtrack for the game


Coxxorz's picture

So it's going to sound like GaldiatorDarkKnightLionKingLastSamurai all over again.

Stormblade's picture

The release date has been changed to Thursday. What are the odds any of us will have it by Friday?

I can't make the party anyway, so it's purely hypothetical. Although I will enjoy the humour that will no doubt surround the process of everyone trying frantically to get their copies before then.

Akuf's picture

because last night on the way home from Volleyball I drove down Merivale to see how the lines were and there were quite a few people in line.


Q-Bert's picture

In fact, the lead was played by NPH.

Swag's picture

At any major game news outlets.

And future shop just sent me an email telling me that they shipped the game.

Coxxorz's picture

Me three, actually. Anybody need a copy?

Coxxorz's picture

Everything looks on track to me, including the midnight openings of three major retailers. Not to mention the early release by some clueless stores like Zellers.

I think someone's just jealous.

Stormblade's picture

If you look at the countdown clock on our freaking site, you'll see the source.


Akuf's picture


fungster88's picture

planning to play MW2 on a PC and not on a console??

Akuf's picture

a lot...

Hence the big stink about the central servers...

Also, the date has increased to the 13th...

Stormblade's picture

Why does that make a difference and if it does, why the frack are we using their countdown clock??

The second part of the question would be aimed at our esteemed admins (other than Coxxorz and me, of course)

Akuf's picture

Since this is a 360 centric site, everyone will assume that you are talking about the 360 release.

As for the second part of your question well ask our fearless leader.

And I have my copy already

Akuf's picture

as you would say: MORON!

Stormblade's picture

But in this case, somebody on this 360-centric site posted a countdown clock for what I assume is the PC version. Since I don't even look at games that aren't 360-based anymore (Blizzard is the exception), it wouldn't even occur to me that the countdown clock was for some other version.

As for the Moron comment, I even have a shirt that corroborates that. So does Blackwalt.

Q-Bert's picture

You've used our site as an authoritative source ???

Man, I'm gonna have to read the site more seriously in the future...

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