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What happened to A Troll?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 16 June 2009

Gave up on video games
0% (0 votes)
Joined the ranks of the Undead
20% (2 votes)
Locked up for involvement in Airbus scandal
10% (1 vote)
Fears possibility of electronic H1N1 strain
20% (2 votes)
Found a better clan to play with
50% (5 votes)
Total votes: 10
A Troll's picture

good looking women, a sense of humor and  beer. Well, ok it would not take much to woo me to another clan as the only thing you guys have is beer.

Airbus scandal, the only scandal there is the company itself. Unless they offer me a job that is. 

Can't give up on video games.  It is like crack to me. If I am away from it too long, I start taking it out on co-workers or whatever they call themselves. Some of them really are zombies if you look at the quality of their code.


Akuf's picture

only thing you guys have is beer

Please do not include me in that statement. Yes, I know I may be unsuitable for overly sensitive persons with low self-esteem, no sense of humour or irrational religious beliefs. But that is also what makes me popular with the ladies.

A Troll's picture

OK, sorry, I did not mean to offend you. Of all the HOC members I have played on line with, they all drink beer in copious amounts, except Coxxorx. I don't think I have ever heard him say he is drinking anything.

They all of a great sense of humor, a very warped sense of humor, but they have one. Oh wait a minute, are you implying that I do not have a sense of humor along with low self-esteem?  If you are, I will have to ask Stormblade and company to act in my proxy in a martial arts bout with you. If I promise him enough beer he will do it and not feel any pain for a couple of days.

Blackwalt's picture

that he is an alcoholic that only drinks beer.

Fortunately we have a lot of that.

Stormblade's picture

Trust me, I've tried.

So has Graybush.

I must have tried harder though. He's a rake.

Akuf's picture

If you are talking about me....

I drink wine too....

Coxxorz's picture

Now I think you're channeling HardW00D (another code monkey). Maybe you two were separated at birth. How dark is your skin?

A Troll's picture

Hell man, I sit in a building with no windows for most of the day, working my fingers right down to the bone. You could say I have a semi grave yard tan.

Graybush's picture

Yep, Troll is a zombie I reckon.

Coxxorz's picture

I think I have the same complexion, earned by spending decades in a 6x6 cell under the soul-withering glare of fluorescent lights.

I also used to have a full head of luxurious hair.

MauriceRevek's picture

"Sold the story of a clan of gamers who abuse each other on the internet and have a fascination with cats to Holywood and will be reaping millions in TV and Movie deals" option.

We can get George Mendosa to play Stormblade.

Oh better yet. Gilbert Godfried. He may not look like him, but he can certainly play the annoying sidekick very well.

I can just picture it.

[scrunches up eyes and speaks with a high pitch raspy voice]
I just finished my new book. It's the second volume in my series on the ocult. I called it: Morgan Black - Crystal Balls Grazing. The hero has to search the world for powerfull balls that can spew out eldrytch energy when strocked. It will be my bigest seller if I can get my sister to buy a copy.

Stormblade's picture

And whose sidekick? Blackwalt??


And it's Preston Black. PRESTON.


MauriceRevek's picture

I don't know why I can't remember it is Preston. Perhaps because it is such a bland name. Or maybe because it lends itself to be lisped too easilly:

"Hello, my name is Pressssston. Have you seen my Crystal Balls?"

Blackwalt's picture


And Q-Bert has been the plucky comic relief.

Moricerevek gets the red shirt.

Akuf's picture

Chewbacca :p

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