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Xbox 360 owners: How many Red Rings of Death have you had?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 02 May 2009

31% (11 votes)
25% (9 votes)
14% (5 votes)
6% (2 votes)
5 or more
6% (2 votes)
Not an owner, just wanted to say Xbox is gay
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 36
Akuf's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

I have changed my vote to reflect my first RRoD. Does this mean I have finally lost my virginity? I feel like I just got screwed.

Coxxorz's picture

Besides, Nightowl made a better one.

I'll let the Aku script take over from here.

Akuf's picture

Aku script has failed due to: too many possibilities of zinging a revek.
Please try again later.

Stormblade's picture

I just had my second RRoD and I noticed someone else has changed their vote since the graph was made, so there are now 3 in the 2 RRoDs category.

Microsoft sucks.

Coxxorz's picture graph form!

Swag's picture

I win!

Blackwalt's picture

But only three of them were RROD's. One of them was a bad DVD drive. Thanks Revek.

Coxxorz's picture

Yes, we all know you still hate him, but this is about RRoD's only. We'll have another poll about sheer incompetence and misplaced trust another time.

Coxxorz's picture

This is getting beyond ludicrous. If it wasn't for Swag's recent purchase, I think we'd be running a 100% failure rate among members.

Akuf's picture

Still hasn't RROD'd either.

Which is kinda of interesting since I think he uses his more often and longer than the rest of us. (just look at his gamer score).

Dark Nightowl's picture

I haven't had the time to send mine back yet. I'm sure it will be "repaired" as quickly as last time but I'll probably end up with another console that will likely fail again.

Coxxorz's picture

He basically hasn't taken his 360 out of the box yet.

Ice's picture

I do use it to stream my video from my PC to my TV.

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