You are hereHoC Periodic Table of Xbox Games - Elements/Games list

HoC Periodic Table of Xbox Games - Elements/Games list

By Blackwalt - Posted on 16 March 2009

Link to the original post of the HoC Periodic Table of Xbox Games.

Atomic number Element symbol Element name Game Platform
1 H Hydrogen Halo 3 Xbox 360
2 He Helium Hellboy: The Science of Evil Xbox 360
3 Li Lithium Lips Xbox 360
4 Be Beryllium Beautiful Katamari Xbox 360
5 B Boron Burnout Paradise Xbox 360
6 C Carbon Crackdown Xbox 360
7 N Nitrogen N+ XBLA
8 O Oxygen Overlord Xbox 360
9 F Fluorine Fable II Xbox 360
10 Ne Neon The Matrix: Path of Neo Xbox
11 Na Sodium Naruto: Rise of a Ninja Xbox 360
12 Mg Magnesium Mega Man 9 XBLA
13 Al Aluminium Alan Wake Pre-release
14 Si Silicon Silent Hill Homecoming Xbox 360
15 P Phosphorus Prince of Persia Xbox 360
16 S Sulfur (Sulphur) Skate. 2 Xbox 360
17 Cl Chlorine The Club Xbox 360
18 Ar Argon Army of Two Xbox 360
19 K Potassium Kameo: Elements of Power Xbox 360
20 Ca Calcium Call of Juarez Xbox 360
21 Sc Scandium Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Xbox 360
22 Ti Titanium Timeshift Xbox 360
23 V Vanadium Velvet Assassin Xbox 360
24 Cr Chromium Chromehounds Xbox 360
25 Mn Manganese Marathon: Durandal XBLA
26 Fe Iron Iron Man Xbox 360
27 Co Cobalt Contra XBLA
28 Ni Nickel Ninja Gaiden II Xbox 360
29 Cu Copper Culdcept Saga Xbox 360
30 Zn Zinc Tenchu Z Xbox 360
31 Ga Gallium Grand Theft Auto IV Xbox 360
32 Ge Germanium Gears of War 2 Xbox 360
33 As Arsenic Assassin's Creed Xbox 360
34 Se Selenium Section 8 Pre-release
35 Br Bromine Braid XBLA
36 Kr Krypton Superman Returns: the videogame Xbox 360
37 Rb Rubidium Rock Band 2 Xbox 360
38 Sr Strontium Saints Row 2 Xbox 360
39 Y Yttrium You're in the Movies Xbox 360
40 Zr Zirconium Zathura Xbox
41 Nb Niobium NBA2K9 Xbox 360
42 Mo Molybdenum Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia Xbox 360
43 Tc Technetium Tom Clancy's EndWar Xbox 360
44 Ru Ruthenium Rumble Roses XX Xbox 360
45 Rh Rhodium Rez HD XBLA
46 Pd Palladium Perfect Dark Zero Xbox 360
47 Ag Silver Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Xbox 360
48 Cd Cadmium Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Xbox 360
49 In Indium Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures Xbox 360
50 Sn Tin Sonic the Hedgehog Xbox 360
51 Sb Antimony Saboteur Pre-release
52 Te Tellurium Tekken 6 Pre-release
53 I Iodine Import Tuner Challenge Xbox 360
54 Xe Xenon Xevious XBLA
55 Cs Caesium (Cesium) Castle Crashers Xbox 360
56 Ba Barium Battlefield: Bad Company Xbox 360
57 La Lanthanum Tomb Raider: Legend Xbox 360
58 Ce Cerium MTV's Celebrity Death Match Xbox
59 Pr Praseodymium Prey Xbox 360
60 Nd Neodymium Need for Speed: Undercover Xbox 360
61 Pm Promethium Pac-Man Championship Edition XBLA
62 Sm Samarium Samurai Warriors 2 Empires Xbox 360
63 Eu Europium UEFA Euro 2008 Xbox 360
64 Gd Gadolinium The Godfather II Pre-release
65 Tb Terbium Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Xbox 360
66 Dy Dysprosium Dynasty Warriors 6 Xbox 360
67 Ho Holmium Hour of Victory Xbox 360
68 Er Erbium Eragon Xbox 360
69 Tm Thulium TMNT Xbox 360
70 Yb Ytterbium Yie Ar Kung-Fu XBLA
71 Lu Lutetium Luxor 2 XBLA
72 Hf Hafnium The Orange Box Xbox 360
73 Ta Tantalum Tales of Vesperia Xbox 360
74 W Tungsten Wanted: Weapons of Fate Pre-release
75 Re Rhenium Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360
76 Os Osmium OneChanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad Xbox 360
77 Ir Iridium Ikaruga XBLA
78 Pt Platinum Pitfall: The Lost Expedition Xbox
79 Au Gold Golden Axe: Beast Rider Xbox 360
80 Hg Mercury Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Xbox 360
81 Tl Thallium Thrillville: Off the Rails Xbox 360
82 Pb Lead Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard Xbox 360
83 Bi Bismuth BioShock Xbox 360
84 Po Polonium PocketBike Racer Xbox 360
85 At Astatine Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe XBLA
86 Rn Radon Rayman Raving Rabbids Xbox 360
87 Fr Francium Fracture Xbox 360
88 Ra Radium Rise of the Argonauts Xbox 360
89 Ac Actinium Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Xbox 360
90 Th Thorium Too Human Xbox 360
91 Pa Protactinium Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode One XBLA
92 U Uranium Undertow XBLA
93 Np Neptunium Nickelodeon Party Blast Xbox
94 Pu Plutonium Pure Xbox 360
95 Am Americium Amped 3 Xbox 360
96 Cm Curium Colin McRae Rally 2005 Xbox
97 Bk Berkelium BlackSite: Area 51 Xbox 360
98 Cf Californium Conflict: Denied Ops Xbox 360
99 Es Einsteinium Eternal Sonata Xbox 360
100 Fm Fermium Forza Motorsport 2 Xbox 360
101 Md Mendelevium Medal of Honor: Airborne Xbox 360
102 No Nobelium Novadrome XBLA
103 Lr Lawrencium The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Xbox 360
104 Rf Rutherfordium Red Faction: Guerrilla Pre-release
105 Db Dubnium Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit Xbox 360
106 Sg Seaborgium Sega Rally Revo Xbox 360
107 Bh Bohrium Bionicle Heroes Xbox 360
108 Hs Hassium HEI$T Pre-release
109 Mt Meitnerium Mad Tracks XBLA
110 Ds Darmstadtium Dead Space Xbox 360
111 Uuu Unununium? Ridge Racer 6 Xbox 360
112 Uub Ununbium Ultra Bust-a-Move Xbox 360
113 Uut Ununtrium Unreal Tournament 3 Xbox 360
114 Uuq Ununquadium 007: Quantum of Solace Xbox 360
115 Uup Ununpentium UFC 2009 Undisputed Xbox 360
116 Uuh Ununhexium Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Xbox 360
117 Uus Ununseptium Universe at War: Earth Assault Xbox 360
118 Uuo Ununoctium Uno Rush XBLA

Updated 03-19-2009 – Kr replaced with Superman Returns: the videogame. Kameo: Elements of Power moved to K. Peter Jackson's King Kong removed. Sorry there big guy. Should have been updated at all locations.

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