You are hereRevisiting Zombie Chronicles: Shi No Numa

Revisiting Zombie Chronicles: Shi No Numa

By Blackwalt - Posted on 23 May 2017

Game: Call of Duty World at War. Map: Shi No Numa

In an article yesterday I read about a Playstation player who missed playing the original Zombie Chronicles maps once he retired his PS3. This lead me to realize how lucky we were to have backwards compatibility on the Xbox One. Compatibility that included the three Call of Duty games that included the Original zombie maps. While waiting for the Xbox release of Zombie Chronicles I decided this would be the ideal chance to revisit the original maps in their original forms. One player, one attempt... How bad could it be?

Number three: Shi No Numa

Remember how I was talking about double digits? Shi No Numa was not that time. It's not looking good for Kino Der Toten either.

I remember Shi No Numa was never one of our favourite maps.

Despite this I did manage to buy a trench gun which I quickly replaced with a PPSh-41 and MG42 out of the Tickle Trunk. I got out to the Fisherman's Hut and for the first time in my revisitation of the original Zombie Chronicles maps managed to buy a perk. Juggernog.

Round 8. My highest round so far but still embarrassing.

Unfortunately juggernog did not help. I realized that staying in the hut was indefensible and that I should try to get outside to get a train going. Which worked really poorly when I got tangled behind a tree on my first run through. Even with juggernog I didn't stand much of a chance once the tree and the horde of zombies teamed up.

Still hoping for double digits eventually, maybe with Kino Der Toten...

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