You are hereAlternate Xbox One warning label
Alternate Xbox One warning label
At least this one is more accurate
It appears that a lot of Xbox One owners' have a tendency to leave the "Do not move console without first removing any disc inside" warning label on the front of the console. Known as the HDMI label due to the large HDMI logo on it.
My recent story on An additional Option for adding storage to an Xbox One demonstrated that I still had mine in place although I did remove it shortly afterward.
Coxxorz pointed out that a warning by Microsoft about the poor Xbox One interface would be more truthful.
So here it is.
A higher resolution, properly sized version for printing is available after the break.
Click on the image for a printable PDF version
The new Xbox One user interface has not been popular with Herd of Cats and has been criticized often on the site by multiple users. You should hear the criticism that we don't post. My most common lament, "they developed the Xbox 360 user interface over ten years, why on earth would you throw it out and start over?"
So now you have your warning label available to print out and paste on your Xbox One. Right where the HDMI label was or if you haven't removed it yet, directly on top of it.
Some notes about the alternate label:
- The text is copied directly from Coxxorz's comment.
- All translation was through Google Translate so expect inaccuracies.
- The MDUI logo was created to replace the HDMI logo. I used a font recommended online: Gunship.
- MDUI stands for Microsoft Designed User Interface which was the best I could come up with using as many letters as possible from HDMI. Got three!
- I used a basic design trick to make the text more legible. Very basic. Surprised that Microsoft didn't bother.
UPDATE: original HDMI label for comparison.
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