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Akuf's blog

I think most of you should watch this

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008

"Gives you the capability to ejaculate more powerfully and as a side note it also enables you to shoot further. If you have any use for that"

I Found my next martial art

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008

Official Government Announcement:

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008

The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed!

Damn, it just doesn't get more accurate than that

I want

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008


I was quite humbled last night

By Akuf - Posted on 23 October 2008

I know, I know...What?? Aku humbled??...WTF?

Well this cute girl ( brunette about 125lbs solidly built ) did 70 FULL chinups last night.
It was love at first sight. So, I approached her we went for coffee @ starbucks and started chatting.

As soon as we sat down, she lays this one on me:
"I know who you are and I am not falling for your charm. Though I will admit you are the type of guy I would go for but you have to do more the smooth talk me into sleeping with you"

I was so thrown back that I became speechless! (yeah I know).
She then says: Read more

ok this actually....

By Akuf - Posted on 22 October 2008

...kinda happened between me and Revek one night.
Admittedly the French version is much more amusing but for the benefit of our friends south of the border who's second language is Mexican (which I am kinda fluent) or gangsta (I have no f*kin clue what they are saying) I posted the English version for them.
And the guy kinda looks me too boot!

English , French

note if you search for "on sort" you will find the rest of the series Read more

Now if guitar hero....

By Akuf - Posted on 13 October 2008

....came packaged like this. I would consider it.

In the spirit of elections

By Akuf - Posted on 09 October 2008

I especially like when Courtney says 'I used to have 5 friends'

I am obviously...

By Akuf - Posted on 09 October 2008

Not webcomic literate.

I posted the comics yesterday no Idea if I did right
I do know there are there though at least somewhere anyway.

Hence the reason I am not married....

By Akuf - Posted on 07 October 2008

"I don't see what the problem with same sex marriage is. I mean once you're married it is always the same sex. And it eventually ends that could be the problem I guess"
- Robin Williams


By Akuf - Posted on 01 October 2008

...Did one of you smart asses sign me up for the viagra news letter?

NHL09 - Be A Pro feature...

By Akuf - Posted on 29 September 2008

I started playing this mode over the weekend.

And it is incredibly addictive.
You basically control one player and go through your career earning experience etc.
And you can update certain attributes.
Though at first it is annoying because you will most likely (like me) think it is played like the regular mode. But it's not. Once you get past this it becomes a very satisfying experience.

BTW. Also saw the 'can not read disc error'
Thinking there was a problem with the Disc I went back to Best Buy to exchange it. Read more

Now this....

By Akuf - Posted on 24 September 2008

I have to admit was entertaining....

Watch the whole video and you will see why....

It's very rare...

By Akuf - Posted on 22 September 2008

...that technology makes me horny.

Especially when it is from Dell Read more

Gotta Love SNL!!!

By Akuf - Posted on 19 September 2008

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