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Akuf's blog

The Perfect 10...another failure

By Akuf - Posted on 24 November 2008

So over the weekend I went out for a friend's birthday.

And at a table I see these two girls
one of them made Paris Hilton look fat
The other made Rosie O'Donnell (sp?) look skinny.

They made eye contact with me and told me to go over.
So I naturally do because ugly girls usually have pretty friends.

SO I am not going to bore you with all the small talk crap.
Here is where it got fun.

They asked me to take a picture of them.
I take the camera and say:

"Why, don't you ladies stand over there" Read more

My NXE review

By Akuf - Posted on 20 November 2008

What I like:
1) The up to 8 person chat outside of a game
2) copying the game to the HD I copied GOW2 yesterday and holy crap the noise level was almost gone...almost
3) The interface for games I like how you can see your achievements easier etc
4) The fact that you can still get the blade interface by pressing the xbox button...Thank goodness...Coxxorz and I agree with this option.

What I hate
1) the Miis....uh... I mean Avatars....I think they did this to attract Wii losers...I mean...users. The childish interface will appeal to them and parents. Read more

HAHA Found a bug in NXE

By Akuf - Posted on 19 November 2008

It seems that when I click on a friend without an Avatar my xbox freezes when I try to exit their profile.
Works ok with friends with Avatars.

BTW QBert you look like spock
And Revek I think you need to add a few pounds to yours


One of my failures

By Akuf - Posted on 14 November 2008

Since I have told you many of my success stories
Here is one of my failures

Walking through Confederation Park (Elgin & Laurier).
And I see this girl pushing a stroller.
Now, in my books she was a about a 7 the fact the she has a kid lowers that a bit.

Regardless here is the conversation

Me: Hey what a cute little girl you have there
Her: It's a boy not a girl (I knew this I just wanted to start the conversation)
Me: well you know at that age you can't really tell unless your changing them
Her: Laughs, do you have any kids.
Me: No, are you going to have any more kids? Read more

I gotta ask...

By Akuf - Posted on 14 November 2008

And I may get flamed here (just remember I know Kung Fu, Karate and other dangerous words).

WTF, is it with you guys and your obsession with zombies?

As dumb as this is

By Akuf - Posted on 14 November 2008

It still seems like a lot of tun

For Coxxorz...

By Akuf - Posted on 11 November 2008

The Source is going bankrupt and they are liquidating everything.

Though I must admit I have not seen anything flattering yet.

Insult or Compliment.

By Akuf - Posted on 08 November 2008

I was at the wine at the Wine and Food show last night with the guys. Never take a date to an event like that.

One of my buddy's boss was there and his wife says this to me:

her: "You're like a cross between Charlie Sheen and Patrick Waterburton"
me: "uh...thanks...why?"
her: "Charlie Sheen because it seems you know every woman in here and Patrick Waterburton because you are as nutty as Elaine's boyfriend (Puddy) on Seinfeld"
her: "It's kind of a compliment"
me: "Yeah, thanks" Read more

Hell froze over.....

By Akuf - Posted on 07 November 2008


Chinup girl comes to my house picks me up in a mercedes C230
Granted poor man's mercedes but benz none the less.
We go downtown (blue cactus) have dinner few drinks we go for a walk and chat
At this point it is almost midnight.
Her: Damn
Me: what?
Her: nothing
Me: what?
her: you are going to make fun of me
me: no I won't seriously (fingers crossed)
her: well I pre-ordered Gears of War 2 and I want to go pick it up
me: *blink**blink**blink**agape* (thinking she was kidding) Read more

Mirror's edge

By Akuf - Posted on 06 November 2008

Downloaded and played the demo.
It was quite fun. Though the controls take a little getting used to.
I think Coxxorz will enjoy the 'race' aspect to it.

WARNING: If you easily get motion sickness I would suggest not playing it

The only...

By Akuf - Posted on 05 November 2008

90 seconds worth watching from the elections

100 bottles of wine on the wall

By Akuf - Posted on 30 October 2008

Actually it was 150, I had over 800 of them at home had to get rid of some before I make a new batch. Revek was kind enough to assist me in off loading this at the beer store. If knew he was going to take a picture I would have prettied myself up.


In the spirit of Halloween

By Akuf - Posted on 29 October 2008

Some of these and these pretty creative, I especially like the breathalyzer.


By Akuf - Posted on 27 October 2008

What an Idiot!!!!! Bail negative you moron...

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HoC is on NHL09 online league

By Akuf - Posted on 26 October 2008

In case anyone cares.

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